Services we offer

Take part in the grape harvest...
Conduit as you have never experienced. Experience in person the unique process of transforming the beautiful taste of grapes in the divine aroma of wine. Participate in a vineyards of Rajac grape harvest and be paid for your efforts. In addition to socializing, great fun and what is best, adequate earnings learn how to get the real, top-quality wines...
About us
This cellar (pimnica) was built in the late nineteenth century and through it passed a lot of wine during all these years until now. It managed to maintain despite all the time and historic plight and to experience new re-arranging and full recovery. Name C'est la vie was given in honor of the last Bohemian from the nearest town Negotin, Milan Vasiljevic called Mića Ćure who spent a lot of time in Rajac Wineries, and a famous French expression was his motto. Therefore visit pimnica C'est la vie and enjoy moments imbued with the spirit of old times, beautiful environment full of charm and wonderful aromas of wine...